Venerea - A Pat On The Back

All the town criers are crying, media is lying
Whole towns made redundant, nature ain't the same
As it is in the commercials, everything's commercial
But all of that can change
(To reach for the utmost possibility, you gotta aim for the impossible -
Choke your petty pessimism, we can change a single thing
But I also know that inside everyone of us there is a seed
Planted in the field of oppurtunity
(In time there'll be a harvest, but now it's time to plow)

[repeat chorus]

Join the freak parade, no time to delay
I'm at the front, running with a walking stick [x2]
(Cultivate your garden, build a house, share your dinner, smash a gun,

Talk to someone old, make a differance) [repeat chorus]
Can it!